Hi, I’m Patrick Ward.
NanoGlobals was built to share my expertise on remote work with international teams. I help tech companies and startups find and leverage remote workforces and multinational business strategies.
I’ve been involved in tech and multinational business my entire career, and been featured in Forbes, Ad Age, and Entrepreneur along the way.
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Patrick Ward Bio
Patrick has been involved in nearshoring operations for his entire career, primarily as a marketing and business development director with US-based digital agencies and remote engineering teams in Latin America.
His work has helped Fortune-500 companies and fast-growth startups like MasterClass, Google, and more take advantage of the cost savings of mixed onshore/offshore team structures. His remote clients over the past 10 years have included Allianz, Cathay Pacific, and Fiji Airways.
Media Features & Thought Leadership
Why Argentina?
Featured in an economic development initiative by the Argentinian embassy in DC, describing his experiences working with STEM teams in the region.
Aug 30, 2020Offshore Vs. Onshore Development: Fighting Against Perception
In my byline for Forbes, I describe the issues firms face when using offshore and nearshore development teams, and how to change the narrative around remote multi-cultural teams.
Jul 09, 2020Content is King: But Where are the Kingmakers?
Contribution to AdAge, describing my best tips for tech companies hiring copywriters and creatives outside of the US.
Jul 16, 2020How to Build a Network Outside of Business School
Featured in an article on strategies for forging strong business partnerships in the new business environment.
Sep 20, 2019Most Popular Articles
Special Services
Patrick is an experienced public speaker on business, marketing, and outsourcing. He has been a guest lecturer at UCLA, General Assembly, and more.
Nearshore operations unlock billions in value every year.
But most companies that attempt team augmentation wind up with broken products and worn-out project management. Don’t be one of them.
The goal of my content on this site is to educate customers on what to look out for when finding, vetting, and selecting a team augmentation partner; whether nearshore, offshore, or onshore.